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Hailing Frequencies

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_Rondo_GE The OutLaw:
Incredible.  I've found links to this rare and rather interesting magazine  (fanzine).

Issue #1 http://web.archive.org/web/20010619095803/hailingfrequencies.tripod.com/Archives/HF1.PDF

Cannot get a lock on issue #2

Issue #3 http://web.archive.org/web/20010622085143/hailingfrequencies.tripod.com/Archives/HF3.PDF

Cannot get Issue #4

Issue #8  http://web.archive.org/web/20010402014650/hailingfrequencies.tripod.com/

Anyone have other links I think they deserve to be here on this forum or these forums.

Rondo... I went and Stickied this, as I can recall when those came out. It might be worth IT to an Enterprising Member to Try and start those back up.

Thank for finding those, Good on you.


I believe Dennis Green (aka Shadow) still has them archived on his desktop. Anyone with his email might ask him if he is willing to upload them for hosting on another system. In fact, I'm sure Frey would be more than happy to have D.Net host them.

_Rondo_GE The OutLaw:
I think if we could get all of them it would really be a tribute to the game.

I'm going to download these because you never know how long these links will last.  It's incredible they are still there.

Can DNet host these files?


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