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=/\= 2 exoplanets found that survived their stars death


yes, you heard me right. two exoplanets have been found that apparently survived their sun going past red giant stage when it died and they are still there! scientists believe that the two planets were much larger but the when the sun engulfed them, the intense heat of the red giant stage burned off most of the material leaving behind much smaller planets. if this is true, it is an amazing find that planets can survive the death of a star. we are going to have to rethink star death in systems with planets including our own. obviously the next step would be to confirm these findings then do some more intense research into that system. read here for more details: http://news.discovery.com/space/survivor-planets-orbit-dead-stars-111221.html

The question would have to be asked, is even if the planet survived, would any life at all survive, even in underground shelters?  And would any of our planets be massive enough to survive?

Based on the article, I think its more likely that they were jupiter type planets that migrated inward later.  Its not as if they have detailed photos of them, and the claim that they survived being engulfed by the red giant is based solely on their current distance from their parent star.

alot of guess work and assumptions.  interesting anough to be something to look at, but nothing conclusive at the moment.


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