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SFC-OP 2664 - made old installers work


Hi All,

Yes I know, I've been gone.
This time tho, I decided to give SFC-OP 2664 a try. Here's some feedback, and hopefully some helpful tips for you.

1- It's possible to make the old installers for stuff like coopace 4.0, and fests+11  (battlefest+), or even op+ 4.11 (even though D4v1ks made a rar of it) work again.

These things depend on registry keys to find path.
On 32-bit Windows, it should just-work. But no one uses 32-bit windows on modern PCs anymore!
On 64-bit Windows, the path of stuff 32-bit applications save to, in the registry, is modified by the system: there's an added "WOW6432Node" keyword in the path.

Thus, I made a .reg file and used it on my PC. This works fine and I can use my old tools and installers again.

You can also edit the registry with regedit to add both entries.
Note that if you do a .reg file, do double backslashes in the path.

--- Quote ---Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Taldren\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates]
"Directory"="C:\\Path\\To\\Your\\SFC\\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Taldren\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates]
"Directory"="C:\\Path\\To\\Your\\SFC\\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates"

--- End quote ---

2- It actually helps, for those installers, if the destination directory is not renamed. I dunno why NSIS is being a turd but it worked better if the endpoint dir is called "Starfleet Command Orion Pirates". This is not fully trouble-shooted yet.

With regards,
-- FireSoul

Welcome back.  Hope you've been well.


--- Quote from: Nemesis on September 06, 2022, 03:11:41 pm ---Welcome back.  Hope you've been well.

--- End quote ---

Eh, you know how it goes..
I'm older. We're all older.
Life hasn't been easy. All of our lives haven't, I suppose.
I'm doing all-right career wise.
Personal life is... gone. All I have left there now are responsibilities.

But hey, I'm alive!

Over the past five years we have determined that any ship or base that uses the "O-" empire prefix will inevitably crash in all versions of StarfleetOP.exe during a campaign. Changing this broken prefix to "N-" has eliminated the crashes that we frequently encountered in MetPatrol just before an NPC Orion was about to be destroyed.

Not sure about the Battlefests or FleetPick stuff...but an antiquated "O-" prefix is asking for trouble in EAW and OP. (It works properly in SFC1.)

I'd suggest that players edit their shiplists. The "O-" prefix has special string processing to remove numbers from the designations such that an NPC Orion O-CA1 is displayed in the fleet controls as "O-CA". This cosmetic touch is not worth a crash, IMO. The game just doesn't know what to do for victory conditions using SFC1 Orion naming conventions rather than fully functional cartels/true neutrals.


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