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Engineering / Re: Snake robot fire hose
« Last post by Nemesis on February 08, 2025, 01:25:55 pm »
That sounds pretty darn cool, creative idea.  8)

I was looking for a different post about robots and stumbled on this one which I had forgotten.

I have to say that the idea wasn't as original as they may thinks as in the Andre Norton novel Galactic Derelict (1959 part of her Time Traders series) the ship i question travels automatically to a ancient refueling base and a snake robot hose auto attaches to refuel the ship.  So the idea has been out there for decades before being created in real life.
Engineering / Re: Create your own private GPT
« Last post by Centurus on February 08, 2025, 08:46:44 am »
What could you do with it?  Honestly, I'd only be interested in using such a GPT tool to analyze stock price and movement and to help me determine long and short entries.
Engineering / Re: Create your own private GPT
« Last post by Lono on February 07, 2025, 02:39:15 pm »
A coworker said he's running Deepseek on his gaming desktop. Probably even better than using Meta's LLama LLM for most gamers.
Engineering / Re: COMMODORE® 64x
« Last post by Panzergranate on February 03, 2025, 07:14:41 pm »
The Sinclair Spectrum was the more popular 8 bit micro computer, in the UK, mainly due to the Z80 processor and 41 K of user memory as opposed to the C64's 38 K user memory. The C64 was a close in 2nd place, in the UK.

The Spectrum 128 +2 and 128 +3 used the CPM disc operating system, but could only address 8.5 Mbytes of hard drive, if one struggled to hitch one up and created a boot up floppy disc. (The manual explained how to do this, for the technically minded, like me). I hitched up an IBM 10 Mbyte MFM hard disc with a separate power supply. I had to create a boot floppy disc to change the Expanded Disc Parameter Base settings (in the Built In Operating System (BIOS)) in order for the external drive expansion port to set the number of heads, tracks and sectors it was going to encounter. Those were the pioneering days of home computing, back in the 1980's.
Engineering / Re: Interesting stuff about SpaceX Starship (hate the name)
« Last post by Nemesis on January 30, 2025, 01:27:07 pm »
New Glenn FINALLY launched after 4 years of delaying their initial declared launch date. 

All those people who were claiming it would have a full success are now pretending that putting a tiny satellite in orbit and losing the booster for unknown reasons well short of the landing is a full success.

But congratulations to BO for their PARTIAL success.

That satellite?  Its purpose is to move around other satellites, boost them to final orbits and the like.  It was sent up without the ability to move itself or even be ejected from the booster.  All it does is send telemetry back. 

This makes me assume that they couldn't send up a functional Blue Ring (as I think it is called) OR it failed and they are doing the old "I meant to do that" child's trick to cover failure.

So even less impressive for BO. 
Engineering / Re: Interesting stuff about SpaceX Starship (hate the name)
« Last post by Nemesis on January 28, 2025, 01:33:13 pm »
A new asteroid was recently added to one of the lists and then removed.  Turned out to be the Tesla the first Falcon Heavy sent towards Mars. 
Starfleet Command Models / Re: to all modler
« Last post by atheorhaven on January 27, 2025, 11:07:24 am »
Very VERY Necrothread because I've been out of the game for a bit, but I just went to email Kreeargh and both of his email addresses bounced. So, posting in here to hopefully get his attention.

Working my way through this for him. :)
Engineering / Re: COMMODORE® 64x
« Last post by Centurus on January 20, 2025, 03:47:29 pm »
I've never used a Commodore, but I'll be damned, I like this.  I wonder if the OS can be downloaded and installed in laptops and PCs.
Engineering / Re: COMMODORE® 64x
« Last post by Javora on January 20, 2025, 01:02:40 pm »
Good find.  Thanks…
Engineering / COMMODORE® 64x
« Last post by Nemesis on January 20, 2025, 09:39:42 am »
Youtube video about COMMODORE® 64x

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