Topic: Paramount refuses TrekUnited donations  (Read 2833 times)

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Paramount refuses TrekUnited donations
« on: April 13, 2005, 10:32:59 am »
From Sci Fi Wire

And they told TU that last month, but their founder Tim Brazeal kept stringing the fan community along, taking in more donations even when he was explicitly told by Paramount that they weren't going to take the money.  If I had donated, I'd be asking for my money back now.

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Offline Alidar Jarok

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Re: Paramount refuses TrekUnited donations
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2005, 03:49:38 pm »
I didn't donate either, so I have little reason to be outraged.  But, I would proably be concerned about this if I had donated money (unless it was related to an NDA or something).  Since I feel I am mature enough to handle it.

BTW, here is what Tim Brazeal had to say yesterday.

Hang tight guys.. this is far from over.. He called me earlier and what he is reporting on is OLD news.. over a month ago... Proof coming from several news outlets on what is REALLY going on..


Obviously whether or not you believe him is a different story.  Since I would like Enterprise to come back for another season, I'll try and wait for the "proof" from "several news outlets" to come out.  Also, I can't see why I would waste my energy castigating a person who can't hurt me in any way (since I didn't donate any money).

EDIT: Reading a bit more and found this (Candice is TU's PR director).

Candice> A third party reporter is investigating us and will report only fact in a very well know internet publication. Facts are all we need the reporter to state, because we have nothing to hide. Until this is released, I suggest ignoring those posts. Or you can ask them to PROVE that it's a scam. You can check Andrew's membership with the Maryland Bar.

Candice> You can call the IRS to confirm TU is a cooperation. You can call Tim to get the account info to check that it is a non-interest trust account requiring multiple sigs to release any funds. I'll be happy to answer anyone's questions anytime. But most likely, these posters are not interested in the truth only cynicism.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2005, 04:08:43 pm by Alidar Jarok »
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Re: Paramount refuses TrekUnited donations
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2005, 04:19:33 pm »

Might want to check out that link as well. :)
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Re: Paramount refuses TrekUnited donations
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2005, 08:54:44 am »
Thanks for the update.
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Re: Paramount refuses TrekUnited donations
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2005, 09:04:18 pm »
'nother update through Sci-Fi Wire.  I'm running out of synoyms for "insane" in order to describe how out of control this whole "Save Enterprise" campaign has degraded.

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Offline Alidar Jarok

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Re: Paramount refuses TrekUnited donations
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2005, 09:44:30 pm »
Wow, that doesn't sound biased ::)

BTW, the mention of his criminal record (from a post called things I want you to know by Tim Brazeal himself).

But, I know at one point that one or all will stoop to any level to bring down what I am trying to do.. That being said.. I want you all to know who I am.. You can decide on what you want me to do.. I will leave this up to you guys.. This is not just my cause, it is yours..
That being said, I want anything about me that might surprise any of you out front and in the spotlight.. To be honest, I would never have mentioned it before because frankly I have not thought about it in years and years.. There are two things in my past that I am ashamed of. One is on March 27, 1979, I was arrested for pot. I had two joints in my pocket and was arrested… From what I remember.. I spent one night in jail and paid a 100.00 fine and was released.. This one happened 26 years ago..

The other is a bit bigger.. on March 24,1983 I was arrested for taking a car without permission. There were several of us in the car but since I was the oldest. I was the one that was given the blame for it.. It started out being a joy riding charge and turned into much more when the owner wanted more.. I was charged with theft of a motor vehicle over 10,000 and I was placed on 10 years probation and had to pay 10,000 in restitution to the state of Texas. This one happened 22 years ago..

I have not been in trouble since this time.. I was young and stupid and I learned from my mistakes.. I have a wonderful wife and five children and six grandchildren now. I have become someone that I am proud of in life and I have made a lot of friends along the way… Live and learn.. and I have..

If any of our members here want me to step down from the position, I will. I do not want this campaign to end.. We are honestly close to something here. Everything that has been said is true and will be verified within the next couple of days hopefully by multiple third party sources.. We have three other people here that can step up to the plate. Please do not let this die yet with or without me at me at the helm..

From the filmforce articel

Tim Brazeal, the organizer of the Save Enterprise and Trek United campaigns, has been quick to answer these allegations with offers to the press to view their financial records in an attempt to put those concerns to rest.  These records have been given to the Trek Report and while there is still a fair amount of research to be done, it seems that the financial information is in order.  Accusations of any possible skimming of funds by the organizers appears to be unfounded.  Other accusations that the interest accumulated in the account may be going to pay for expenses would also seem to be false – all of the funds pledged to the Trek United campaign are in a business account and those accounts do not accumulate interest. 

Also, keep in mind that Trek Today believes the authenticity of Trek United's documents.  Obviously sci fi wire does not.  If you want to doubt Trek Today, than it would certainly make sense to belive Sci-fi wire.  Also, if you want to doubt ign, you can believe that they are lying about their financial information.
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Re: Paramount refuses TrekUnited donations
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2005, 11:17:08 am »
'nother update through Sci-Fi Wire.  I'm running out of synoyms for "insane" in order to describe how out of control this whole "Save Enterprise" campaign has degraded.

Wowsers! 1979 and 1983 eh. Some folks will go to any lengths to destroy the reps of those they disagree with. Oh well, what can one expect of the Limbaugh/Clinton generation.
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