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Warping away from a battle.
 Views: 849
Posted by Captain Spadaro
Jun 22, 2014
in My SFC3 screenshots
 Views: 870
Posted by Captain Spadaro
Jun 22, 2014
in My SFC3 screenshots
 Views: 851
Posted by Captain Spadaro
Jun 22, 2014
in My SFC3 screenshots
 Views: 795
Posted by Captain Spadaro
Jun 22, 2014
in My SFC3 screenshots
 Views: 791
Posted by Captain Spadaro
Jun 22, 2014
in My SFC3 screenshots

Random Items

 Views: 411
Posted by Hstaphath_XC
Jan 25, 2011
in XC Bard's Corner
 Views: 561
Posted by Hstaphath_XC
Jan 25, 2011
in XC Bard's Corner
Screenshot 06
 Views: 541
Posted by Bonk
Nov 13, 2010
in Orion Enclave
 Views: 400
Posted by Hstaphath_XC
Jan 25, 2011
in XC Bard's Corner
I had never noticed it before, but the fighter tabs have dots underneath them to help identify what version they are.
 Views: 289
Posted by Captain Spadaro
Jun 22, 2014
in OP screenshots

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