Be sure to check out the Dynaverse.Net Repository, the most comprehensive SFC library around !!
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Quote from: KBF MalaK on July 07, 2008, 01:44:19 pmright click on the pic and 'save image as' to your HD, then send it back up to your own hosting site and copy the link, then in signatures type {img}your picture link here{/img} (with brackets), or right click the image and 'copy shortcut' and paste in between the img flags in your signature.and your done.That might work if I had a hosting site...ah well, not losing sleep over it.
right click on the pic and 'save image as' to your HD, then send it back up to your own hosting site and copy the link, then in signatures type {img}your picture link here{/img} (with brackets), or right click the image and 'copy shortcut' and paste in between the img flags in your signature.and your done.