Age, you ignorant slut....

SFB is based on Star Trek... it is a rule set. SFC is based on SFB, and therefore is based on Star Trek. At the time of sfbs creation there was VERY little to base a game on. They had to "flesh it out" I think they did so in a very sensible and believable way.
SFC3 is no more or less based on "Trek" than previous incarnations. To think so is just plain ignorant of the fact that it uses the same basic "ruleset" that the previous games did. Sure it has less variety in weapon types (no seeking) and such, but it is still "2D" it still uses damage allocation, shields and facings, (Although less of them) power allocation, and of course very similar "cosmetic" look.
Please usederstand that your comments are ones that are quite obviously biased by your dislike (and lack of knowledge) of the previous games. You think it is "more based on trek" because it is based on the trek you know. However to those who loved SFB (I am not of of them by the way but SFC has made me a convert) you must realize that for about 10 years SFB was the ONLY trek readily available. It allowed much more fun and depth than any other thing that was "trek". So much so that it still exists in a world in which it is an anachronsim.
You prefer sfc3... that is fine... but please don't insult my intelligence by denigrating sfcs other incarnations to make a game you like "more trek" than another.