Topic: USS Enforcer and USS Styx  (Read 240 times)

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USS Enforcer and USS Styx
« on: December 26, 2024, 04:50:58 pm »
The forum won't let me post pictures anyone, sadly.

So, here's an update for those that may not know.

Mapping is done on my Miranda Class USS Enforcer, and I used some of the major components to build a Constitution Class variant called the USS Styx.  The Styx uses the same saucer mesh, bridge module, nav dome module, warp engines, and the impulse drive, however I had to alter the impulse drive slightly.

I reused the pylons from the Resurrection, with a big poly chop on them, along with the pylon phasers. 

I built a new engineering hull, neck, torpedo bay, and launchers, along with new phaser strips on the rest of the ship.

Should I make an Akula variant?

I'm hoping to find someone to do textures, or learn to make my own. 
The pen is truly mightier than the sword.  And considerably easier to write with.