Topic: The Doomsday Machine  (Read 52088 times)

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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #40 on: October 04, 2003, 11:06:27 pm »
And how does one load up these new scenarios you have created?




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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #41 on: October 06, 2003, 11:14:50 am »
Something that I've never really cared about Tracey, is that the Doomsday machine was coded as invunerable to weapons fire.  I don't think that its completely invunerable.  Spock said "Sensors indicate that the object's hull is made of solid nuetronium, a SINGLE starship cannot combat it."  The only way I've seen the Doomsday machine destroy starships is to eat them, which of course kills the Doomsday Machine.  You're on to something by giving the DM weapons, 4 Fusion Cannons FA with enough energy to always Overload them?  I think the DM should actually be fast, since it can overtake a Connie unless the Connie is moving at flank speed.  I also think that instead of making the DM invunerable, it should just have an enormous amount of armor, and maybe a natural ECM shift.  That way a single starship wouldn't stand a chance against it, but a whole fleet of ships could possibly take it down.  Really a shame that the Klink's Ion Cannon cant be ported from SFC3, i think that the Ion cannon would actually make a better weapon for the DM than the Fusion Beams.  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #42 on: October 06, 2003, 11:34:46 am »

Something that I've never really cared about Tracey, is that the Doomsday machine was coded as invunerable to weapons fire.  I don't think that its completely invunerable.  Spock said "Sensors indicate that the object's hull is made of solid nuetronium, a SINGLE starship cannot combat it."  The only way I've seen the Doomsday machine destroy starships is to eat them, which of course kills the Doomsday Machine.  You're on to something by giving the DM weapons, 4 Fusion Cannons FA with enough energy to always Overload them?  I think the DM should actually be fast, since it can overtake a Connie unless the Connie is moving at flank speed.  I also think that instead of making the DM invunerable, it should just have an enormous amount of armor, and maybe a natural ECM shift.  That way a single starship wouldn't stand a chance against it, but a whole fleet of ships could possibly take it down.  Really a shame that the Klink's Ion Cannon cant be ported from SFC3, i think that the Ion cannon would actually make a better weapon for the DM than the Fusion Beams.  

First, I'm pretty sure there is an upper limit on armor, I want to say 150 points, I'm not 100% sure. Neutronium is incredibly tough stuff and Federation Technology in TMP times is not there for doing ANY damage to that stuff. So for me the Invulnerability is a key factor for me. I like knowing there are things you have to think about  beating rather than the violent head on 'guns blazing' approach. A fleet battle against the doomsday machine is depicted in FASA's A Doomsday Like Any Other; the Romulan Squadron (and the Chandley) may opt to attemtp to destroy it by sacrificing one of their ships to it.




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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #43 on: October 06, 2003, 11:48:58 am »
If there is an upper limit on armor, then perhaps it needs to be given sheilds as well.  As much as I like puzzles that require some thinking, the one in SFC1 regarding the Doomsday Machine didnt require any thought on my part at all.  (well I had just watched the Doomsday Machine a couple of hours before I managed to get the computer to continue the SFC campaign)  When the DM became active I did get as far away from it as I could, expecting it to shoot at me, but when it didnt, I simply closed the gap and threw the 1701 Enterprise (Imperial Ship) into its maw.  


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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #44 on: October 06, 2003, 08:47:48 pm »
If you care to re-watch the episode.. you will notice that all the Enterprises weapons bounced off the hull leaving absolutely no damage on it's hull.. all the DM did was notice a source of energy and turned toward it....

Also, if you read Trek Books (or even give them any consideration for ST background)

the TNG book Vendetta has an even bigger DM (on a scale of 10 times bigger or more) came across Piccard and the Ent-D and in the end, the DM was made by Guinen's (Whoopie Goldberg in TNG) race as the ultimate payback weapon against the Borg for what they did to Guinen's race.. the DM ate planets to fuel itself for the long journey to the Borg homeworld.. if it ever found it.. always searching...

The Borg entered the area and got into a scuffle against the big DM.  the DM obtained damage from what Data stated as a PURE ANTI-PROTON Beam.. the Borg carved a circle out of the DM hull before the DM fired it's "fusion" cannon weakening the Cube long enough to devoure it...

anyhow.. it was a good book and gave a lot of Roddenberry background information on the DM.. it is the only Trek Book that i know of for TNG that he actually was considering to make into an episode or movie, however he passed away before he could.

So the question of a Canon involvement arrises on how you view Trek.. Books are considered Non-Canon. Only what is seen on TV or the movie Theater Screen during an episode of Star Trek is considered Canon.. everything else is fan worship and means nothing in the Trek time line. this is per Roddenberry.

But fans consider different things to be Canon... thus is the nature of Sci-Fi.

Anyhow, i too would like to DL this script and give it a whirl.. and comparing to TOS/TMP tech.. the DM should remain indestructable save for sacraficing a ship into it's maw... either a shuttle or a wingman...



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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2003, 12:17:39 am »
If you look at a VOY episode, I think it was called Think Tank but im not sure about that.  The Think Tanks ship was actually made of Nuetronium as well, and those "Bounty Hunters with a Work Ethic" were doing some (albiet small) damage to that ship.  Like I said, I dont think it should be invunerable, just very very hard to even scratch, something like 8 OL Photons or 3 Type -R  plasma Torps at point blank, just to check off an armor box.  But It is also possible that SFC just wont let that kind of custom rule onto the table.  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #46 on: October 08, 2003, 04:20:13 pm »

If you look at a VOY episode, I think it was called Think Tank but im not sure about that.  The Think Tanks ship was actually made of Nuetronium as well, and those "Bounty Hunters with a Work Ethic" were doing some (albiet small) damage to that ship.  Like I said, I dont think it should be invunerable, just very very hard to even scratch, something like 8 OL Photons or 3 Type -R  plasma Torps at point blank, just to check off an armor box.  But It is also possible that SFC just wont let that kind of custom rule onto the table.  

First, that example is set in TNG times about 100+ years after the first encounter with the Doomsday Machine. TMP Era FASA Trek stated the Federation was about 100 years or so away from even manipulation neutronium; never mind something that could shoot back and DESTROY planets. Also the weapons in TNG times are orders of MAGNITUDE greater than TOS/TMP times. This is partly why I'm turned off by TNG Trek at the present time.

"Oh look another pretty TNG/post TNG Fed ship you can't scratch the paint on even if its blasted by a supernova! "

Second, don't get me started on the Voyager show... Lets rip of the Starblazers theme of a single ship against a Galactic Empire... The castration of the BORG was pure CHEESE and a poor excuse for bad script writing.


Thank you for the synopsis of VENDETTA. I never read the book, I wish I had. However, I admit I like the EXTRA-GALACTIC origin  of the Doomsday Machine better. I intend to read this book as soon as I can get a copy.

Tracey G.,

Can we have an update this weekend? I certainly understand RL issues you might have lol. Thanks.




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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #47 on: October 10, 2003, 10:12:49 pm »
I never thought of that when I was in that scenario.  All those Imperial ships...

I usualy try to capture ships - it never dawned on me to feed one of them to the Machine.  And yes, I have seen that episode many times.  Though, not recently.


TR-Beams would have made short work of the beast.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Potemkin »

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #48 on: October 23, 2003, 04:34:28 pm »
BUMP for news.



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Re: The Doomsday Machine - link?
« Reply #49 on: October 25, 2003, 03:51:05 pm »
Is the scenario ready and posted yet?




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Re: The Doomsday Machine - link?
« Reply #50 on: November 03, 2003, 12:12:28 pm »
Sorry I haven't gotten back to this, have been a bit busy lately. Will get to it soon though, hopefully sometime in the next week. Those models above look really good by the way, nice work!  


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Re: The Doomsday Machine - link?
« Reply #51 on: November 03, 2003, 08:01:47 pm »
I dare say I understand about being busy - apart from the forums!

Quick question - I understand the scripting language for SFC is simular to C - what all do you need to script a scenario?




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Re: The Doomsday Machine - link?
« Reply #52 on: November 03, 2003, 09:42:43 pm »
The language used for the SFC EAW/OP/TNG scripting API is C++. You will need Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 SP 5 to compile the scripts, and, of course, the API for the game you are making scripts for.  


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Re: The Doomsday Machine - link?
« Reply #53 on: November 03, 2003, 11:22:15 pm »
Just reposting picture and download links because my site host (Mackie) changed addresses..

The Doomsday Machine

KA Liner

USS Constellation

Also have completed for the "Tholian Web" script idea...

USS Defiant

No download link yet.. going to try and do up a SFC 1 and SFC 3 version of this one.. (would like to convert all my currently "up-on-site" stuff to both SFC 1 and SFC 3 versions (where not already done).

The Tholian Web itself is also done, such as it is.. just don't know how to implement it.  (Oh, and in case someone knows how to implement a dampening field idea on ships in SFC 2 [directed to all systems, but especially hitting life support to help simulate the life drain?], I've also got a TOS Amoeba complete as well..

No download link here yet either, waiting for a SFC 3 version to come back.. (should be today or tomorrow).

So there you go..


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Re: The Doomsday Machine - link?
« Reply #54 on: November 03, 2003, 11:51:35 pm »
Let's see, I don't know C++ or have a C++ program/compiler  

So I'll just go out and buy one (looks in wallet)

Well - that probably ain't gonna happen anytime soon!


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: The Doomsday Machine - link?
« Reply #55 on: November 04, 2003, 07:02:05 pm »
Thank you Tracey for the update.

Atheorhaven, thank you for the updated pics/links Well done.



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Re: The Doomsday Machine - link?
« Reply #56 on: November 11, 2003, 10:22:34 pm »
Actually, I just remembered there's one more piece of the puzzle needed for a TOS Doomsday Machine script idea.. a decent looking shuttlecraft, which it just so happens, I have.  

It's a retexture of Moon/Lansing's TOS Shuttle from Fleetdock 13 I got permission to redo a good while back.. and you can kind of see how Lord Schtupp's Enterprise, my retexture of the shuttlecraft, and my own original starbase all go nicely together..

I think we have all the pieces now except the scrip itself now...  


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Re: The Doomsday Machine - link?
« Reply #57 on: November 13, 2003, 05:22:12 am »
Excellant, very good looking indeed Atha. Apologies for the delay again, have been away on holidays for a few days.


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Re: The Doomsday Machine - link?
« Reply #58 on: November 14, 2003, 02:11:12 am »
No problem Tracey, with everything else, I have also been busy.  The nice thing though is we have all the pieces for the script.  The Enterprise, asteroids, the Constitution, the MDM itself, a shuttlecraft, and the dead MDM.

Oh, and for the Tholian Web idea... there's also a Tholian Web mesh done as well now, but how to move it, or build it, or encapsulate a ship I have no clue.  That would, I think, fall under a script idea.. maybe multiple models (ala MDM and it's dead equivalent) and multiple textures.. minimal Web, half done, three quarters done, and complete.  That kind of idea.

My best idea so far for seeing the ship through the Web itself though right now would be to flip all the faces on the mesh model itself so that the web texture is displayed on the inside of the Web model.  But a better idea yet would be to make the Web itself translucent so that it appeared to encompass the ship, and I'm going to talk to a few guys about how to achieve this.

For this idea we have, the Enterprise, the Defiant, Tholians, a Web Mesh (complete).  But I was thinking of using Chris Jones idea with this as well.  He had FX5.BMP as a Starfleet figure instead of an asteroid.. what about something like that with a Kirk in a space suit figure?  Lots of stills from the show, and we may be able to get a tiny asteroid to appear at random near the Enterprise.  Or a box with Kirk's spacesuited figure on it, whatever'd be easiest to script.

And for one more TOS idea, we also now have the Space Amoeba available for scripts as well if anyone ever wanted to try a "The Immunity Syndrome" script.  Some form of energy dampening idea draining power systems..


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Re: The Doomsday Machine - link?
« Reply #59 on: November 14, 2003, 01:06:11 pm »

Oh, and for the Tholian Web idea... there's also a Tholian Web mesh done as well now, but how to move it, or build it, or encapsulate a ship I have no clue. That would, I think, fall under a script idea.. maybe multiple models (ala MDM and it's dead equivalent) and multiple textures.. minimal Web, half done, three quarters done, and complete. That kind of idea.


The development team that I am a part of, may just need some Tholian web mesh models for our humble OP project.  If you could send the model files to me then I'll see about getting them to work in the EEK missions.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »