then, Adam, as a TWD fan, you'll appreciate the tshirt my wife got me for our anninversary last month
We've been hearing the death knell of network TV for like decades now; while I don't think episodic series are disappearing anytime soon, by the time it comes for a new Trek, delivery might be in a different model. (Although with a TV name like JJ behind it, we might actually see ST on a major network prime time for the first time since 1969).
Speaking of different delivery, Braga recently commented that, with Netflix stepping into content delivery with "House of Cards" and "Arrested Development," a 5th season of
Enterprise is a possibility. All you need to do to "vote" yes on that idea is just to watch seasons 1-4 on Netflix, since they have a sophisticated data mining system for viewers. Watch often!

3...2....1... insert anti-Braga comments now....
(ps I know there are those of you who will bad mouth him, for no good reason IMO, you gotta admit, it'd be better than JJ-Trek!)