Be sure to check out the Dynaverse.Net Repository, the most comprehensive SFC library around !!
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I while back I found bridge commander import export plugins for Gmax. I contacted one of the authors and asked him if he would be willing to try and compile the 3DMax .MOD source to make import export plugins for Gmax for us. Well, to make a long story short, he has successfully compiled the .MOD plugins to work in Gmax. I haven't tried all of the functionality to see if there are no bugs, but I did successfully import and export .MOD with LODS with Gmax. It works just like 3DMax.
Hot dog!! Permission to upload the plugins at SFC3Files?
This is the complete .nif installer. It's for all of the .nif games, including BC, and multiple versions of studio max, as well as GMax.
Thanks, Mr. Cue. Maybe it's firefox? I go to the upload screen enter all of the info, and before I can click to upload the page automatically goes to BC's home page.