I dunno, he does get some nookie later on.

Personally, I was a fan of the show since I first saw the teaser trailer for the show. When I first saw a Starfury pivot in Newtonian flight, I knew that I was going to be watching something different. And I loved it ever since.
The characters that stayed with me were Londo, G'Kar, Marcus, Ivanova, and Sinclair. For a few years after the show ended, I'd occasionally think of a quip or a comment and hear it in the voice and manner of a character.
I really internalized the show, and love it to bits.
Season 1 was written from the point of view of "everday crap happens, and here's some scenes from everyday life on a space trading hub". So things might not seem connected, it's more because they weren't. But, you started to get things laced together, and things started to get funneled to a point of fusion. And that was the beauty of Babylon 5.
Crusade was a different animal, but only because it was killed early. I read some of the unfilmed episodes, and tracked down some details on the season ender. What we saw of Crusade? Totally the first half of Season 1 of B5. I'd read the crew of the Excaliber discover something about Earthforce that puts them on the outside, on the run. Gideon? Season ender has him shot and in a coma. The source of the Technomages power.. revealed. Things get darker and more action happens.. except, it was killed. They do find the cure.. after Dureena's people die. Dureena starts down the path towards becoming a Technomage.. and it's not a good path for her to take.
Lots and lots of good stuff., but we'll probably never see it now. I will say though, Bester does die eventually. Off-world, forgotten, alone. Would have been shown in Crusade. Would have been a great show. That's what TNT didn't get, they wanted wrestling and T&A in space.. and that's why the show was shut down.