Bonk, Age was disciplined. Per our Policies. Something you bypassed completely when you BANNED HIM PERMANENTLY. That, Sir, is ADMIN ABUSE.
Now, since he decided to accept it like a mature adult, we didn't feel anything but the visual warning was necessary per the disciplinary policies here. Had you abided by your 5 day no post punishment, it'd almost be over and we'd all be moving on now.
In regards to your phone - I have no idea where you are and what you are doing, because your correct, we haven't talked for two weeks now or so. I haven't been reading your emails or what not, because I've seen them all before. However, I must say - for being a thousand something miles away from your phone line (dial up, remember?) you got internet access enough to forge IP's so you can bypass your original IP block we instituted when you refused to stop posting and made an alt account under the same IP, yes?
However, you are either lying, or simply have modified the reality in your head, if you are telling me we didn't talk about your past meltdowns and how this could easily lead to #4. That was the entire reasoning for me inviting you to come to Texas and live with me.
Yes, your right.. I am going to invite you into my house to come live with me for free because I wanted to use you.

I went to bed last night after you sent your emails trying to undermine the current development team. I wonder why your doing that? Certainly because I've personally pissed you off SO MUCH that you now want to take your ball and go home? But I digress. I went to bed, and the moderators had to continue to mark your new alt accounts as read only. ( We're not banning your accounts, btw, lol, we're making them read only so we can maintain what is called a "chain of evidence". RCMP requested this.)
*nods* I can see your commitment to the community. Quite likely , it'll be about as solid as the commitment you'll tell all the people you try to get to march or wahtever your doing. As soon as someone threatens Bonk, it'll be another crusade for another "righteous" reason.. and you'll leave all those people who trusted you behind again.
You forget, we've been through this before... THREE TIMES. You've blown up, gone ballistic and told me to go F&@K myself numerous times. This is old stuff, Hoss. We're all tired of it. This thread is now locked and any additional accounts / post by Bonk will result in... nothing. We'll keep marking the accounts read only and forwarding everything to the necessary authorities.
Good luck on your march, and thank you for all you have done for the SFC Community. We wish you Godspeed and good luck.