Hey! Thanks so much. . . I just found that in another thread.
The spikes seemed to actually bomb the whole program.....most annoying; as I couldn't bring up task manager to terminate the program.
It seemed to be working in the one game I tried... . .until I tapped the windows key. . . . more experimentation to follow.
Yes, I definitely have it working now.
I cannot tell you guys how happy this makes me

Frankly, I was sort of dreading Windows10 because I was afraid it would break this game -> so when my hard drive crashed, I was most irritated.
(win 7 re-install in 2015 to a fresh drive seemed like a questionable way to go for non-SFC:OP reasons)
I was rather dismayed that I could not install from the original disk; but FORTUNATELY, I learned from someone that I could simply copy all the files from the old drive. . . put in the CD key. . .and go.
OK -> now have added the entire game folder to my "clean install archive".
Which helps. . . .I have a LARGE number of models from back in the day that I like to use

Thanks again!