Topic: 50Th Anniv. Thread - What are some of your most beloved Star Trek memories?  (Read 15889 times)

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Re: 50Th Anniv. Thread - What are some of your most beloved Star Trek memories?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2016, 02:01:42 pm »
I'll start! I'll never forget the first time I saw the U.S.S Enterprise on the TV screen. The concepts of the saucer section, hull, etc. and the interiors were so plain and seemingly utilitarian, yet appealing. I didn't see the original pilot, so Shatner was the Captain for me, and Spock was.. well, Spock!

But it was the Engineering room - with that massive backdrop that seemed to show these gigantic coils going back forever.... I'd sit there and get my LEGO's and try to reproduce the engineering room and transporter room. So much fun, and likely why I'm an engineer today.

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Offline RazalYllib

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Re: 50Th Anniv. Thread - What are some of your most beloved Star Trek memories?
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2016, 06:31:36 pm »
Tuff One....

First Memory that stands out the most was the Episode Devil in the Dark.....blew my 5yo Mind.

Second, ditching school to see Wrath of Khan

Third, trying to recruit a buddy of a buddy to add to my Rolemaster RPG group (some players moved out of state and was short players in a middle end of the mini-campaign) and he had this game, in little ziploc bag with counters and hex map and things called SSD's; he said it was based on Star Trek; I thought mmm....kool, at that time i was also doing wargaming ala SSI and Avalon Hill etc...I said sure I would try I am here....many years later.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: 50Th Anniv. Thread - What are some of your most beloved Star Trek memories?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2016, 10:32:01 am »
Killing Hexx and J'inn.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: 50Th Anniv. Thread - What are some of your most beloved Star Trek memories?
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2016, 11:41:12 am »
My college project of animating star trek models on a chroma-keybackground back in 1981. It won merit award and a favorable review from a CBC television contest.
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Re: 50Th Anniv. Thread - What are some of your most beloved Star Trek memories?
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2016, 02:15:27 pm »
My earliest memories of ST come from right after it was cancelled, probably 1970.  In second grade, it was my friend Mark's favorite show and i I started watching it so we could take turns recreating episodes -  I wound up being McCoy all the time. What happened though was, in my desire to get more ST, I picked up my sis's copy of "The Making of ST," which is hands-down one of the best books ever on how a TV show gets made. By the time I was 10 I knew the difference between a matte shot and a master shot was. what the key grip and a gaffer did, and, more importantly, that people can make a living making crazy things come alive on TV. 50 years later, I'm stilll doing it.

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Re: 50Th Anniv. Thread - What are some of your most beloved Star Trek memories?
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2016, 01:35:17 pm »
The first time I saw Star Trek was when I was six and watched the TNG season 2 episode Time Squared with my uncle.  Back then, the station which broadcast TNG in the New York area, also aired reruns of TOS on weekdays, so I started watching that too.

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Re: 50Th Anniv. Thread - What are some of your most beloved Star Trek memories?
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2016, 07:16:29 pm »
well as some of you might, or might not know, William Shatner breeds horses and has a farm near Lexington.  now I live in Louisville and every year the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center hosts the world famous Kentucky Horse Show. 

well a few years back Mr. Shatner was in attendance.  now I used to work at the fairgrounds doing temp work and during the Horse Show that year my job was to drive a special golf cart, 6 wheels and 4 seats, as a courtesy shuttle for the owners, participants and guests.  well one day, guess who I get to meet...

apparently Mr. Shatner had parked one of his personal golf carts in a fire lane.  with the keys in it.  now in all honesty I did not recognize him.  because he was missing his um, how put it, his "apprutance".  he was livid.
well he flagged me down, I circled back and he was "WHERE...IS...MYGOLFCART!!!"  his tempo and speech is what made me realize, "Holy sh#t!!! It's Cpt. Kirk!"
and he's still going "WHERE...IS...MY...GODDAMNEDGOLFCART!!!"

now we got briefed about how we are to treat horse show participants.  the rule is to treat EVERYONE as if they are a horse owner.  but the joke is, they all are horse owners, just some don't have horses.

like I said, he was livid.  I began by asking "sir, where did you park your cart?" and he said; "Here!!"  and I said "sir, are you sure?"  and he was "DO...I...LOOK...LIKE...AGODDAMNEDIDIOT!!!  I...PARKED...MY...GODDAMNEDGOLFCART...RIGHT...GODDAMNEDHERE!!!"

well, I replied; "sir I'm not questioning your intelligence or your integrity.  I'm just trying to help you and where you said that you parked your cart is a fire lane."

he looked like someone smacked his puppy.  so I then explain to him that I'd be more than glad to take him to the front office so as he could speak to the grounds security supervisor and locate his golfcart.  he got in and we went on our way. 

well long story short, we got his golfcart back.  the security supervisor waived the $50.00 fine and to his credit Mr. Shatner was...uh...more sociable.  when I took him to the lot where his cart was, I waited to make sure it was in working order and all of his and the cart's possessions were there.  everything was good.  but he's still looking at me funny. 
I asked; "is everything o-k Mr. Shatner?"
he responded; "you don't want anything?"
I replied; "no Mr. Shatner."
he looked confounded.  so I explained to him that were I to ask him for anything, an autograph, a picture, anything, I would loose my job.  it may not be the greatest job or the best paying job, but it IS my job.  it's the only job I have and I'm not going to jeopardize it for a moment of "fan-fever".

he just shook my hand, got into his cart and drove away.

as he drove off I swear I heard someone whistling the TOS theme track.

Offline JarvisArgelius

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Playing with my brothers as kids with the Mego original Star Trek toys.  Our "small" Enterprise crew battled against the alien giants (aka 12" G.I. Joe action figures) to escape planet Living Room.  And the time when my brother bought the Enterprise bridge playset (with the Transporter that spun around to simulate beaming  8) ).

The first time I watched 'City On The Edge of Forever'.  That episode gave me a lump in my throat at 10 years old that still hasn't totally gone away.

Ditto, 'Mirror, Mirror'.  The ending Transporter Room scene: Kirk: "In every revolution there's one man with a vision.". 

Reading Diane Carey's 'The Great Starship Race'.

Reading the unfortunately non-canon Romulan history in 'The Romulan Way' by Diane Duane & Peter Morwood.

Reading the great Last Unicorn Games RPG sourcebook 'Among the Clans' about the history of the Andorians by S. John Ross, Steven S. Long and Adam Dickstein.  Love this, again unfortunately non-canon, history.  In "my" personal Star Trek universe that book would be the official history of the Andorians, making them my favorite Trek alien race.