Topic: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!  (Read 46238 times)

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #60 on: January 24, 2016, 04:11:06 pm »
I have been following and I am concerned about sfc4.  We are not at this level but cbs does own the copyright.

Offline EschelonOfJudgemnt

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #61 on: January 25, 2016, 02:45:39 pm »
They posted a VFX shot in what looks like a ring system at the end of this post. They really enjoy them some space debris. Someone should explain to them that space is mostly empty.  :P

My thought when I saw that shot was that we were looking at a ring system around a gas planet.

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #62 on: February 24, 2016, 01:04:41 pm »
The Hollywood Reporter has Axanar Production's recently filed counter-motion on their site, with some commentary.  I saw this posted on the Axanar site, but that posting primarily directs the viewer to the Hollywood Reporter article, without much comment other than 'more news soon!'

The comment about the Star Trek copyright ownership changing hands over the years is interesting (NBC aired the original series, as produced by Desilu studios, CBS/Paramount ended up with the franchise at some point).  Still hoping for an amicable agreement here!

Offline Javora

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #63 on: February 24, 2016, 02:18:07 pm »
Interesting tactics, if more than one company owns parts of Star Trek it's going to cause a real mess IMHO.  Even more interesting and a little suspicious is that they don't raise the issue of being not for profit in the response.  I think that a judge is going to call BS on the continuous changes to the script and throw it out.  Has the Axanar people ever received a cease and desist from Paramount before Paramount filed suit?

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #64 on: February 26, 2016, 12:08:14 am »
We have nothing to fear about SFC4.

Trust me on this.

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #65 on: May 21, 2016, 01:49:50 pm »
Just to update this thread (rather than confuse another), but early news is that Paramount is dropping its suit against Axanar.

Details are very thin but it also appears that Abrams & Lin's support for Axanar was part of the solution. If that's the case, well, I still hate ST XI & XII, but I will give some extra karma points to them for siding with the fans on this.

Then again, is it just possible that the name of this thread carry more weight? Hee, either way, score one for the little guy

Offline EschelonOfJudgemnt

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #66 on: May 23, 2016, 01:31:05 pm »
The devil will be in the details, but I am happy that a settlement seems to be in the works.  Cautiously optimistic...

What will be more important will be the official fan film guidelines that CBS has reportedly said that they will be releasing in the coming weeks.  In a weird way, the work here on SFC may tie into those guidelines, as this game is mainly fan supported at this point (unless you want to define they guys behind as a game publisher).

Offline Captain Spadaro

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #67 on: August 12, 2016, 10:30:20 am »
If you honestly think a boycott is going to hurt Beyond's numbers, you are a fool.  The real culprits to a weak box office showing for Beyond will:
A. There are several other films vying for audience attention (Suicide Squad, that awful Ghostbusters reboot, the new Ice Age film, etc.)
B. The fact that people seem to be getting tired of reboots as a whole (thankfully).
"Don't try to be a great man; just be a man, and let history make its own judgments." - William Riker, quoting Zefram Cochrane, to Zefram Cochrane, Star Trek: First Contact

Offline EschelonOfJudgemnt

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #68 on: August 12, 2016, 10:56:58 am »
Just read an article yesterday that indicated that domestically Beyond is struggling, but that once it plays out internationally they should break even/make a small profit, which means that #4 is safe for now (unfortunately).

Lessee if I can find that article again... here it is:

If there is a takeaway, it's that they may want to spend less than $185 Million on #4, to ensure that they make more money on the next one... so much for hoping that the Kelvin timeline would die with #3!

The more interesting (indirectly Axanar-related) news, I linked in another thread.  Reposting link here:

A comment I'm seeing a lot these days is that, since the new series is set during roughly the same time period as the Four Years War, that CBS/Paramount wanted that playground to themselves.  And since a Klingon captain is listed as one of the principal cast/roles, well it does make you wonder.  By 'killing off' Axanar, they avoid having to deal with the comparisons...

The Star Trek franchise has a history of 'co-opting' ideas (Babylon 5 vs Deep Space 9 anyone?), so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Garth of Izar and the Four Years War referenced in the new series.  If so, I'll probably still like Alec Peter's version better - Prelude to Axanar is just so damn cool!

Myself, I'd just call Axanar it's own timeline.  Star Trek has a history of multiple timelines, so no harm done to the 'Prime' timeline even if Axanar moved forward - it'd just be a parallel timeline...

Offline Captain Spadaro

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #69 on: August 12, 2016, 11:09:47 am »
Just read an article yesterday that indicated that domestically Beyond is struggling, but that once it plays out internationally they should break even/make a small profit, which means that #4 is safe for now (unfortunately).

Lessee if I can find that article again... here it is:

If there is a takeaway, it's that they may want to spend less than $185 Million on #4, to ensure that they make more money on the next one... so much for hoping that the Kelvin timeline would die with #3!

The more interesting (indirectly Axanar-related) news, I linked in another thread.  Reposting link here:

A comment I'm seeing a lot these days is that, since the new series is set during roughly the same time period as the Four Years War, that CBS/Paramount wanted that playground to themselves.  And since a Klingon captain is listed as one of the principal cast/roles, well it does make you wonder.  By 'killing off' Axanar, they avoid having to deal with the comparisons...

The Star Trek franchise has a history of 'co-opting' ideas (Babylon 5 vs Deep Space 9 anyone?), so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Garth of Izar and the Four Years War referenced in the new series.  If so, I'll probably still like Alec Peter's version better - Prelude to Axanar is just so damn cool!

Myself, I'd just call Axanar it's own timeline.  Star Trek has a history of multiple timelines, so no harm done to the 'Prime' timeline even if Axanar moved forward - it'd just be a parallel timeline...

The Four Years War is from the FASA RPG from the 80s, and thus isn't canon.  Only reason Axanar Prod. was using that info is because there is nothing else in the canon about it (as far as other non-canon sources go a novel about Garth was written many years ago).

More importantly, Bryan Fuller said on August 10th that the new series WILL NOT REVOLVE AROUND AXANAR!
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Offline TAnimaL

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #70 on: January 24, 2017, 11:31:13 am »
In case someone hasn't heard the news, CBS/Para. have settled with Axanar Productions

The link gives what details are known, and much is still not, but the bullet is that Axanar may proceed, following the new fan-film guidelines, to produce a 30-minute film in two 15-minute sections for free release. The new guideleines prohibit involvement from anyone who has worked for CBS/Para. (I had never heard that detail before), but the actors who appeared in "Prelude to Axanar" (Hertzel and Graham, i.e.) will be allowed to participate.

This film has seem to divide fans into two camps of equal ire, so I'll leave this as is, to be debated. There is also a wiki set up with many articles to help confirm your onw biases ;)

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #71 on: January 24, 2017, 11:44:33 am »
In my opinion, this is really great news, if not the most optimal solution. I was very excited by "Prelude to Axanar," and much more optimistic about it than the JJ-Trek  universe.  As a video professional I can tell you the complexities of fundraising and copyright, let alone production, can be overwhelming, so I'm sure there's been some wandering into grey areas. Though it won't be the full film we had hoped for, at least most of the stellar cast they assembled can be in it, if they so choose

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #72 on: January 24, 2017, 07:33:10 pm »
Peters ruined star trek fan films out of his own arrogance. He can strut around all he wants with his victory, but we really all lost.
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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #73 on: January 25, 2017, 01:31:50 pm »
you're entitled to your opinion but I hardly think it's one persons fault; CBS/Par were bound to react, given the dramatic improvement in DIY video equipment and the ability to disseminate content. (It was easy to ignore when fans made bad VHS filsm).

Since Peters is still under a lot of restrictions and still open to some lawsuits, I haven't seen much "strutting" going on.

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #74 on: February 04, 2017, 10:10:08 pm »
In my opinion, I think Trek fans should start making Trek stories in the Star Wars Universe, even if Trek-like tales don't fit the SW setting, simply because SW's owners more or less encourage its fans to make their own stuff.

If enough fans do something like that, as well as stop buying Trek merchandise, perhaps then CBS and Paramount will get it. Until then, I'm probably only going to buy things from ADB's version of Trek... actually, maybe we all should do the same. While Paramount dose get a royalty check from ADB, maybe the message of "We don't want your JJ Trek" will be clearer to them if their main sales go down, while that Royalty Check gets bigger.

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #75 on: February 07, 2017, 04:08:27 pm »
but they really don't parse things that way, and your scale is way off. JJ-Trek made over a billion worldwide. THe TV shows make millions in advertising. The books & comics make hundreds of thousands per year.  The royalties they receive from ADB is barely pocket change to them (remember, ADB barely hung on to the ST license, since they originally acquired it thru Franz Josephs Design and the "Tech Manual"), and any boycott is not going to send a message other than that we're not buying Star Trek anymore, which just kills the franchise

Offline jayvt3

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #76 on: February 13, 2017, 09:31:54 am »
well as politically correct, perverse, and sjw infested as Trek has become, I'm pretty sure that if they, Axanar, had made half the cast gay, trans-gendered, the other half with pedophiliac tendencies and blamed the federation for trying to colonize Klingon worlds and enslave them, CBS/Paramount would have given them millions or just bought it all and let them make as many videos as they liked.

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #77 on: February 15, 2017, 01:13:06 pm »
WOW, angry much?
No seriously, go to hell jayvt3, and take your homophobic slanderous vitriol with you. There's "opinion" and then there's hatred, and yours seem much more the latter. Geeze, have you ever even effin' watched Star Trek in a semi-conscious state before? Ya know, the show that goes on about peaceful coexistence and exploration?? I am really sorry if you're on of those that feel "emboldened" by the current political scene to just spout off vile hyperbole, but comments like that are just idiotic nastiness that make you look stupid.

For the record:
- being politically correct isn't some sort of Orwellian BS thought patrol, it's about not using derogatory/antiquated/inappropriate language for others. I get to decide what you call me, not you. If the case be, I am an Irish-American woman, not a "mick skank" because you think that's funny.
- it is beyond offensive to equate homosexuality and the transgendered with words like "perverse" and link it casually with pedophilia. I realize that are religious radicals that prefer this hateful narrow-minded idealogy but in this day and age statements like this is usually shouted by those in white hoods while burning crosses.
- you know what? I don't even want to know what "sjw infested" means. Probably just another hate-filled tinfoil-hat conspiracy mumbojumbo.

What in the name of the Great Bird of the Galaxy happened to ST fans?  Why do you even like the series? Has it ceased being about the thing itself and now just a fetishised icon of your lost childhood? Or is it just "pew pew pew/shoot  'em up" in space?

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #78 on: February 15, 2017, 09:48:18 pm »
Can we please leave the political junk out of this thread?  I don't want to see this thread get moved into Hot and Spicy.  There is still stuff to talk about without going down this road.

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Re: No Axanar NO BEYOND!!!!
« Reply #79 on: February 16, 2017, 01:00:27 pm »
Like Javora says this is heading in the Hot and Spicy direction and I'd prefer to not have to take action so please everyone tone it down.

TAnimaL SJW=Social Justice Warrior, specifically those who take things to the extreme and are outraged by things the "victim" didn't get  outraged by.

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