what do you need to continue working on this project?
For example, taking a look at the mission api tutorial wrote by Nuclear Vessels, he asked:
Once the mission has begun, somehow we would like to determine what the "outside universe" looks like. I would happily kill for any method of doing this!!!!!!!"It's insane that the "community" has to work in complete darkness.
It just doesn't make any sense for me.
Why should someone spent 4 months writing something that he could have done in a week?
Information is a very powerfull thing.
It is really stupid that someone looking at hexadecimals could do things, that people with all the information in hands, said to be impossible.
It really doesn't make any diference that Taldren donated the code to the community.
Noone has added or improved anything on it.
If you install the SFC EAW and SFC CE on a windows 10 machine, would you notice any diference?
If i add the HD patch to EAW, the new logo, and the gamespy fix to it, if i setup a working server, would you even notice CE is better in any way?
Is the I.A. in CE better than in EAW? Is there any serverkit available for download? Mission api?
Strat, Exeter and Frey, did you had fun trying out the hd patch and the gamespy fix? Did you enjoyed navigate trought the Q3_Editor images?
Why you need to fool people with big words and announcements, just to let them down?

Take it with a grain of salt...
There are things much more important than games in our lives.